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Information Technologies offers an IT infrastructure that is regularly updated, developed and supervised for BİLGİ students.

BİLGİ E-Mail Account

The BİLGİ e-mail account is created when students first enroll at the university. BİLGİ e-mail account gives you access to the wireless internet services, computers in internet corner points, IT Help Desk (Ticket), SIS (Student Information System), Library and similar services that your user account is authorized.

You can use the applications for free by logging into the Office 365 platform with your BİLGİ e-mail account. You can access your e-mail box, which is one of the applications of Office 365 platform, by entering directly. You can use the file sharing, data storage and Office applications provided by the Office365 platform through the WEB interface, install and use Office applications by downloading them to your personal computer.

BİLGİ E-Mail Password

You can renew your password by typing bilgipass  and sending SMS to 2322. We recommend you to change your new password you receive via SMS at the first use. You can change the password from the link below;

BİLGİ Secure – WiFi

For our students; BilgiSecure wireless network service is provided with high capacity and security certificate which can be accessed via username and password. You can connect BilgiSecure Wifi broadcast from your computer or mobile device using your BİLGİ e-mail account and password.


Bilişim Teknolojileri Departmanı         0212 311 6666  


Faydalı linkler:

Bilgi Ana WEB Sitesi

Öğrenci Bilgi Sistemi 
BILGI Learn 


Bilgi Kütüphane 

BT Yardım Masası 

Şifre Değişiklik Sayfası 

Shuttle (Ulaşım)